레이블이 Iodine Treatment for Thyroid Cancer인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시
레이블이 Iodine Treatment for Thyroid Cancer인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2013년 11월 27일 수요일

About 'radioactive treatment for cancer'|Radiation Therapy For Prostate Cancer Treatment

About 'radioactive treatment for cancer'|Radiation Therapy For Prostate Cancer Treatment

Researchers               at               the               Mayo               Clinic               in               Jacksonville               have               released               the               results               of               a               study               that               offers               patients               who               have               liver               cancer               that               originated               in               another               organ,               a               new               and               what               looks               to               be               a               very               successful               treatment               option.

The               new               procedure               involves               placing               tiny               radioactive               spheres               into               the               liver               by               way               of               the               blood               supply.

In               their               study,               it               halted               the               growth               of               tumors               that               had               spread               to               the               liver               in               71%               of               the               cases.
               This               type               of               cancer               is               hard               to               treat               because               surgery               is               not               an               option               when               multiple               tumors               are               involved.

If               this               new               treatment               proves               to               be               successful               beyond               the               clinical               trial               just               completed,               it               could               be               the               only               hope               of               stopping               the               growth               of               the               tumor.
               The               therapy               is               known               as               SIR-Spheres               microspheres               and               was               first               approved               by               the               FDA               in               2002,               but               this               study               is               one               of               the               first               to               come               up               with               results               from               a               clinical               trial.

The               therapy               uses               millions               and               millions               of               very               tiny,               about               1/3               the               diameter               of               a               human               hair,               polymer               beads.

The               beads               are               filled               with               the               radioactive               element               yttrium-90.

The               procedure               is               done               by               an               intermentional               radiologist               who               uses               a               catheter               to               place               the               spheres               right               into               the               heptic               artery,               which               is               the               only               one               that               supplies               the               liver               with               blood.

Once               inserted,               the               beads               will               deliver               the               radiation               directly               into               the               tumors               for               11               days               or               so.
               In               the               trial               just               completed               there               were               20               patients               who               received               microspheres               at               Mayo               Clinic               Jacksonville.

In               75%               of               the               patients,               the               entire               liver               was               treated,               and               in               the               rest               of               the               25%,               it               was               either               one               of               the               two               lobes               of               the               lever               that               was               treated.

At               the               four-week               mark,               they               performed               a               CT               scan               to               see               what               if               any               response               there               had               been               and               found               that               in               71%               of               the               patients,               the               tumors               had               actually               decreased               in               size,               and               in               follow               up               CT               scans,               the               tumors               were               either               smaller               or               less               active.
               Most               of               the               patients               had               very               few               side               effects.

Unfortunately,               the               cancer               did               progress               in               two               of               the               patients               and               they               died               within               three               months,               but               in               the               patients               who               did               respond               to               the               treatment,               there               were               no               new               tumors               detected               at               the               10-month               mark               and               liver               function               tests               shows               that               the               function               has               returned               to               normal               or               have               stabilized.
               They               have               determined               that               the               treatment               works               the               best               when               the               patient               has               a               good               blood               flow               to               the               tumors.

They               are               planing               to               do               a               longer               follow               up               to               get               an               understanding               of               the               overall               effect.
               The               lead               researcher               on               the               project               is               Laura               Vallow,               M.D.

and               the               study               was               solely               funded               by               the               Mayo               Clinic.
               Source:               Mayo               Clinic               http://www.newswise.com/

Image of radioactive treatment for cancer

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radioactive treatment for cancer

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radioactive treatment for cancer

radioactive treatment for cancer Image 2

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radioactive treatment for cancer

radioactive treatment for cancer Image 3

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radioactive treatment for cancer

radioactive treatment for cancer Image 4

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radioactive treatment for cancer

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