2013년 11월 24일 일요일

About 'score for florida gators'|...mismatch, since he’s too big and strong for either… UCLA Coaching…Ben Howland...any lf those patented Florida scoring sprees, but his team is...

About 'score for florida gators'|...mismatch, since he’s too big and strong for either… UCLA Coaching…Ben Howland...any lf those patented Florida scoring sprees, but his team is...

Last               night's               third-round               NCAA               tournament               game               between               BYU               and               Florida               was               intense,               and               ended               with               Florida               winning               in               overtime,               83-74.

Florida's               Kenny               Boynton               stuck               to               BYU's               Jimmer               Fredette               like               glue.

Although               Fredette               scored               32               points               in               the               game,               he               ultimately               got               Jimmered.

As               you               may               recall,               BYU               and               Florida               had               a               double-overtime               game               in               the               2010               NCAA               tournament               last               year.

BYU               won               that               round               1               game               before               losing               in               round               2.
               If               you               watched               last               night's               game,               though,               you               know               that               the               BYU               Cougars               and               the               Florida               Gators               have               both               come               a               long               way               since               last               year.

It               was               an               intense,               hard-fought               game,               led               by               two               new               stars:               BYU's               Jimmer               Fredette               and               Florida's               Kenny               Boynton.
               After               Florida               jumped               to               an               early               seven-point               lead,               BYU               gradually               closed               the               gap,               resulting               in               a               36-36               tie               at               halftime.

The               second               half               was               close               the               whole               way.

With               just               over               two               minutes               left,               the               game               was               tied               67-67.

Florida               made               a               fould               shot,               then               BYU               made               a               foul               shot               (either               team               could               have               won               by               shooting               better               at               the               foul               line).

At               the               buzzer,               the               game               was               tied               68-68,               sending               the               Cougars               and               Gators               into               overtime.

In               overtime,               though,               several               missed               shots               by               BYU               let               Florida               quickly               gain               a               significant               lead,               and               the               final               score               was               83-74.

[Source:               My               blog               entries               posted               during               the               game               at               AboutJimmerFredette.blogspot.com].
               It               was               an               edge-of-your-seat               type               of               game,               and               could               easily               have               gone               to               either               team.

Florida               has               to               be               extremelty               satisfied               to               have               beaten               BYU               in               overtime               after               losing               a               close               game               to               them               last               year.

BYU,               on               the               other               hand,               can               rest               easy               knowing               that               they               played               a               strong               game.

There               is               no               doubt,               though,               that               the               ultra-competitive               Jimmer               Fredette               will               be               replaying               the               game               in               his               head               for               months               to               come.
               In               the               post-game               interviews,               press               conferences,               and               soundbytes               I               have               seen,               both               teams               were               respectful               of               each               other.

Jimmer               had               kind               words               of               Boynton,               while               Florida's               coach               praised               Jimmer.

This               really               was,               in               all               kinds               of               ways,               exactly               what               you               hope               an               NCAA               tournament               game               will               be.
               Now               Florida               is               off               to               play               Butler,               and               Jimmer               can               rest               for               a               couple               of               months               before               the               NBA               draft.

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score for florida gators

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score for florida gators

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score for florida gators
score for florida gators

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score for florida gators
score for florida gators

score for florida gators Image 4

score for florida gators
score for florida gators

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